Hoo St Werburgh Parish Church

What to expect at services

At St Werburgh’s we welcome people whatever their background. If you're thinking of visiting one Sunday, you won't need to believe or know anything, there's no dress code, and no-one will put you on the spot. Just come as you are! This page is a general guide to what happens in our services.

The 8.30am on the first Sunday of the month is a traditional Communion service, following the Book of Common Prayer with no hymns. This is a smaller congregation and the service lasts about half an hour.

Our main service starts at 10am and is normally Common Worship Parish Communion. The service is printed in a booklet, and the hymns are a mixture of old and new. During communion everyone is invited to take part. If you are not used to taking communion, just bring your service booklet with you and we will know to pray for you rather than offer the bread and wine. The service usually finishes around 11.00am.

Activities suitable for 4-11+ year olds (word searches, colouring etc) are provided on the tables in the side aisles. We encourage children to sit with their parents and take part in the service if they wish. On the second and fourth Sundays, there is a group for secondary school age young people if they wish. 

On the first Sunday of the month at 10am we have 'Worship for All', which is a service deigned for all ages and stages of faith. The service is displayed on screens at the front as well as in booklets, and is more relaxed. 

We always have refreshments after the 10am service and are delighted to catch up with one another and chat with any visitors or those new to the church.

We don't take a collection during the service. There is an offering plate on your way out if you wish to donate, but there is no pressure to contribute. 

We believe our Sunday gatherings are a special time. That's because we really do believe that God is there with us as we hear his word and respond to him. We hope these times of worship together make a positive impact on our lives and relationships.